Born on May 9th, 2012
(33 weeks 5 days)
Cohen Charles Hoppe was born at 1:06 pm, weighing in at 4lbs.1oz, 16 3/4 inches long.
Meagan Grace Hoppe was born at 1:07pm, weighing in at 3lbs.11 oz, 16 1/2 inches long.
Our Health Update
Being born premie both babies were sent right away to the level 2 NICU. Everything they are experiencing is "normal" for being born at their gestational time.
Cohen has been working on his digestion system. At the beginning Cohen would have up to 10 ml of residual after each feedings, as of yesterday he only had 1 and 1/2 ml. He is making progress and is tolerating his food much better now. He also spent a day on a bili light for jaundice.
Meagan has been working on strengthening her respiratory system. She is on oxygen and Vaportherm (humidifier/oxygen). At the beginning she was at a pressure of 6 and a level 40 flow. Last night when we left the nurse said if she continued to do as well as she has been she'd be moving her pressure down to 3 and her flow is at a 21 (the lowest setting)! They are keeping her on this low setting to help her build up strength, so she can breath more easily.
Some of our important events:
May 10- We got to hold you Cohen!
May 11- Mommy's first diaper change and Kangaroo Care with Cohen!
May 12- Daddy's 30th Birthday! He got to do Kangaroo Care with Cohen! Daddy changed Meagan's diaper! Discharged from the hospital around 9:30. Mommy and Daddy were glad to be sleeping in their own bed but cried the whole way home because we had to leave you.
May 13- Mommy's First Mother's Day! You both were the best gifts in the world! It was a busy day in the NICU so we only got to spend a few minutes with you today.
May 14- Daddy got to hold Meagan for the first time and did Kangaroo Care for over an hour, he also got to change your diaper again! Mommy got to try breastfeeding with Cohen and also did Kangaroo Care. I read you our first book, Green Eggs and Ham until you fell asleep. Mommy also got to take your temperature and change your diaper!