I can't believe our babies are going to be 4 months old tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy how quickly they grow up! We took the kiddos in for their 4 month well visit and they got their shots yesterday. They have made amazing progress in weight! Drum roll please... Cohen weighed in at
13 lbs. 14 oz and is in the 31percentile! Meagan weighed in at
12 lbs and is 20th percentile! This is huge compared to their last doc visit we were only at the 1 and 3 percentiles. Meagan's reflux has peeked but with her weight gain we were able to double her dose which should help majorly. Cohen's little hernia looks better and is correcting on it's own. We have been cleared to start introducing solids starting with rice cereal, which we attempted last night with Cohen. Baby steps. It will take some time for him to get the hang of it. He didn't like that is wasn't a constant flow like his bottle. Meagan's reflux was raging so we only tried one spoon. I could barely get her to drink her bottle, let alone introduce something new, so we weren't successful. We'll give it another go today. They are cooing and giggling and melting our hearts on a daily basis! Meagan is a little rollie poley and is trying hard to roll over. Cohen's smile lights up the room! His little neck roll is so ticklish and so are Meagan's armpits. They got to wear their little bathing suits and went swimming in a kiddie pool for the first time last weekend at Lake Livingston. Meagan even wore a tiny lifejacket and went on her first boat ride! I am looking forward to seeing how else they will amaze us this month!
I had a great (and stressful) first 2 weeks back. After a battle with the shingles last week, I finally feel like we're establishing a routine. It was tough leaving them and going back to work. I know they are in good hands so it makes it bearable to get back to doing what I love. We're taking it one day at a time and working out all the kinks along the way.
I just want to thank everyone for all the meals, diapers, gifts, prayers and love that was poured out before and after our miracles were born. I haven't gotten a chance to give a blanket thank you. We are so blessed and appreciate everything so much! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
(Click on picture to enlarge)
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